Elfen Lied review

Soldier 1: Behind the cute anime girl?
Scientist: It is the cute anime girl.
Soldier 1: Really?
Scientist: Look at bodies, man. She a killer!
Soldier 2: You shit, you made me soil my body armor.
Soldier 3: What she going to do, hug me to death?
Scientist: She will more then that to you mate, you will regret those words.
Soldier 4: Okay, orders are orders. I will blow her head then.
Lucy: You mean like this?
Soldier 4: AArghhhh!!!........ (Lucy removes Soldier 4's head from his body).
Soldier 1: Attack!
The battle rages on for 30 seconds.
Soldier 1: Run away, run away.
Soldier 1: How many did we lose?
Soldier 3: Seven. I think?
Scientist: See, I warned you but nobody listens to me.
Soldier 1: Oh, shut up.
Das Ende.
If you haven't guess it by now, I borrowed this skit for Monty Python and the Holy Grail (the greatest movie, ever).
Quick review
Year it was made: 2004
Studio: ARMS
Distributor: ADV films
Format: Series
Where I saw it: On the Anime Network.
Subbed/Dubbed/Both: Dubbed
Genre: Action/Drama/sci-fi
Length: 13 episodes
Story: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Animation: 10/10
Art: 10/10
CGI: 10/10
Fanservice: 0/10 or 10/10 if your a sick bastard
Action: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Voice Acting: 9/10
The title Elfen Lied is German for Elfen Song and not a form of ingish. To start off with Elfen Lied is the bloodiest and the most disturbing anime have seen thus far. What's disturbing about Elfen Lied is it contains things like a puppy being killed by kids, kids being killed by kids, a pedophille step Dad and a general level of ultra violents, cruelty and dismemberment that makes The Passion of the Christ look like a Disney release in comparison but this anime also has redeeming qualities.
Elfen Lied is about a mutant girl with horns called a Dycloneus, named Lucy, who escapes from a laboratory killing anyone in her way and anyone unfortunate to cross her path (poor Kisaragi) with her invisible hands called vectors and when she made it to the outside, she is graised by a fifty caliber bullet from a sniper, knocking her out cold and knocking her off a cliff to the beach below. We then are introduced to Kouta who has a traumatic past that he can't remember and his cousin Yuka who is in love with him. They come across Lucy who is naked on a beach and she can only say the word nyu. So they decide name her Nyu and take her home with them. They also take in a runaway named Miyu in later episodes. The secret government organization which are not convinced that Lucy is dead they send Bandoh a soldier/psychopath and after that they send Nana another dycloneus to kill or capture Lucy but she doesn't want to kill her (the fight doesn't end well, poor Nana). What a complex story.
The visuals in Elfen Lied are on par with other anime series that have high production values, the animation is pretty smooth, the backgrounds look great, the CG on the vectors is cool and theres a lot of blood and gore which is nice. My only complaint with the visuals is that the nudity got a little excessive in some parts. The audio is good with a great opening theme called lilium, a great ending theme called Be your girl but it doesn't fit the overall tone of the series because it's too upbeat, great voice acting but the voice of Yuka got on my nerves a little and the background music is good as well.
I would have given Elfen Lied a ten but because of the ending which didn't tie up a lot of loose ends, so it gets 9.5 Nanas tied to a crucifix out of ten.